Class List > Metal Arts > Blacksmithing: Tool Making

Blacksmithing: Tool Making

Instructors: Bill Printy and Mark Heisdorffer

Class Fee:$115.00

This workshop will introduce you to the basic methods of making simple tools. We will cover tool steels, forging of tool steel, and heat treatment and tempering of tools. In this workshop you will make a simple chisel and a center punch to take home. This workshop is intended for students with some forging experience and good hammer control.

Please bring safety glasses, light leather gloves, and hearing protection.

Note: The blacksmith shop will be "Open Shop" on Sunday for those who want to stay over and practice techniques learned on Saturday, but no 'formal instruction' will be offered.

Upcoming Classes...

  • Saturday, Jun. 14th, 2025 from 9:00am until 4:00pm
    Location: Blacksmith Academy on Walnut Street (behind Iron & - Walnut Street • Bentonsport, IA 52565 [Map]
    Register For This Session